Kirsty Mason

I have always been a stitcher – I remember sewing buttons on to a square of blanket with the help of my grandma and embroidering over a blue transfer of a crinoline lady as a gift for my primary school teacher. 

I am inspired particularly by three contemporary embroiderers:  Louise Gardiner whose machine embroidery is filled with colour and joy and looks almost effortless.  Karen Ruane whose enthusiasm and passion for embroidery is evident in her beautifully crafted art which is always embellished with meticulous hand work.  And Karen Nichol whose art is filled with the most amazing textures and manipulations.

I enjoy both hand and machine embroidery and like to combine both in my work.  I love retelling stories and my work often recreates characters or scenes from childhood tales.

Being a member of Textilia 3 has enabled me to find a confidence in my work and to be part of a supportive group of talented, creative Textile Artists.


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